Released on = November 8, 2006, 6:32 pm
Press Release Author = Keisha Pickett/Free News Coverage
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = Business coach Maurice Evans, along with mentor Jay Conrad Levinson, will share proven practices that will help boost businesses' profits and sales regardless of their budgets. On Saturday, December 2nd, 100 business professionals will experience first-hand learning from one of the world's most noted marketing trendsetters.
Press Release Body = Business coach Maurice Evans, along with mentor Jay Conrad Levinson, will share proven practices that will help boost businesses' profits and sales regardless of their budgets. On Saturday, December 2nd, 100 business professionals will experience first-hand learning from one of the world's most noted marketing trendsetters. Jay Conrad Levinson, the creator of guerilla marketing, and Evans will teach the boot camp participants how to maximize their dollars to gain more exposure and clients without spending huge amounts of money. This is a nationwide, teleseminar and early registration is required.
Jay Levinson and Maurice Evans, founder of and, will cover essential strategic practices including Psychographics Focused Marketing, which is a part of guerrilla marketing that focuses on consumers' emotions, in addition to many other tactics. The purpose of the boot camp is to leave the campers with knowledge and ammunition to take their businesses to the next level. "The benefit of guerrilla marketing is the ability to boost profits in any business while spending little or no money. This seminar will teach participants the latest secrets of guerrilla marketing and provide them with resources to use to start improving their business immediately, says Evans."
This event is not a gimmick to make the people purchase a program or spend additional money. However, there are some standards that intended participants must comply with. They must be ready to make the changes, immediately; take marketing seriously; and have a strong desire to increase profitability. If the business owners and decision makers are ready to listen, learn and implement, Levinson and Evans are prepared to make this day the day their lives will change.
A teleseminar is a scheduled meeting that takes place via telephone lines, rather than traditional face-to-face meetings; and have become a popular alternative to meetings in today's business world. It saves money for all involved, including keynote speakers, attendees and organizers. Teleseminars provide the opportunity for busy business people, around the world, to participate without the hassle and cost of traveling, accommodations, and time spent away from work and family.
In the comfort of their own home or office, qualified participants, nationwide, can encounter this one-time only event for "Jay's Love for Entrepreneurs" price of just $197, thousands less than ordinary marketing courses. This event is limited to 100 people and early registration is encouraged. The public can register online at or by calling (800) 691-2WIN.
About Jay Conrad Levinson: Jay Conrad Levinson is the author of the best-selling marketing series in history, "Guerrilla Marketing," plus 39 other business books. Jay taught guerrilla marketing for ten years at the extension division of the University of California in Berkeley. A winner of first prizes in all the media, he has been part of the creative teams that made household names of The Marlboro Man, The Pillsbury Doughboy, Allstate's good hands, United's friendly skies, and the Sears Diehard battery. His Guerrilla Marketing is a series of books, workshops, CDs, DVDs, an Internet website, and The Guerrilla Marketing Association -- a marketing support system for small businesses.
About Maurice Evans: Maurice Evans, aka \"Mr. iGROWyourBiz\" is founder of He is an author, dynamic public speaker and effective Guerrilla Marketing Coach. His firm focuses on helping individuals start their own business, or grow an existing business through proven methods, systems, and technologies. Maurice hosts several audio series and telephone seminars designed to empower entrepreneurs to take their business to the next level. ###
Web Site = http://guerrillamarketingbootcamp,com
Contact Details = Keisha Pickett Free News Coverage P.O. Box 290907 Tampa, FL 33687 (813) 903-9247
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